Releases that Get the Media's Attention!

News releases�press releases�media releases—whatever you call them, you want them to work! And most releases fail; they go straight to the recycle bin or the Delete folder.

Why? Because they're boring! Their creators don't put themselves in the shoes of journalists looking for a fascinating new angle that tells "the story behind the story." And maybe they don't understand how hard journalists work to sort through hundreds of "blah" media releases every day in order to find a handful of useful ones.

Affordable, Effective Media Releases Get Results

Press release writing is a special skill that gets inside the skin of a journalist and presents the world the way that journalist needs to have it presented. And that's not just a dull recitation of the "5 Ws." You absolutely can't get good results from a boring news release. At the same time, you can't drown your release in hype. It's a fine line to walk.

Shel Horowitz knows how to walk that line. The award-winning author of five books on marketing and PR, he's been writing successful press releases for business owners, authors and publishers, nonprofits, and community groups since 1974. He has gotten coverage for himself and his clients in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, Woman's Day, Reader's Digest, Entrepreneur, and dozens of other major media.

Here's an example of looking for "the story behind the story." Shel was hired to write a media release for a book on electronic privacy. "If you read most books on PR, they'll tell you to write a press release with a headline like 'Electronic Privacy Expert Releases New Book.' But that's going to kill your chances of good coverage. The headline on my news release was "It's 10 O'Clock—Do You Know Where Your Credit History Is?' See the difference?"

This approach is why Shel has tens of thousands of hits on Google.

You'd think this kind of quality, this kind of track record, would be very expensive—but you'd be wrong. Shel knows that some of his competitors charge thousands of dollars for a single news release—but Shel also believes in staying affordable, because he wants even a very small concern to be able to afford professional work. Shel charges just USD $295 to write a custom media release, including up to an hour of research. Second and subsequent releases on the same book within two months are even less: $225 for a substantially new release, or just $100 for a quick reslant.

Ready to order? Please click here and scroll down to the bottom to select "Marketing Consulting, Copywriting, and Other Hourly Services."

Want more information? Click here if you run a business or nonprofit

Click here if you're an author or publisher

See sample news releases here

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    writing, and career assistance since 1981.
    (413) 586-2388

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