Marketing Services
Business Ethics Pledge Campaign
Books/Informational Products
Web and E-mail Publications
Career Services

Marketing Services

What marketing services do you provide?

We prepare custom marketing plans, help you develop your marketing strategy, and write (or edit) anything necessary to carry out the plan. Our expertise includes everything from e-mail signatures and classified ads through press releases, fliers, newsletters, direct-mail letters, websites, and even entire books. We specialize in marketing methods that involve the lowest cost and the greatest return on your investment.

In most cases, you will be working directly with copywriter/author Shel Horowitz, one of the foremost authorities in ethical, low-cost, high-ROI marketing.

How do you charge for your services?

Most projects are by the hour. Our current rate is $195 per hour for most projects, $195 per hour plus 1% for advertising and direct mail copywriting. We have a one-hour minimum on most projects, 2 hour minimum on brochures or newsletters, and 1 hour minimum on web page copy.

What parts of marketing don't you handle? Why?

We believe we serve you best by doing what we do best and enjoy, keeping our prices much lower as a result. You can outsource or do your own graphics, web design, and placement; those are not our strengths. We also don't send materials to the media, make follow-up calls, or place your materials. If you'd like the name of someone for any of these tasks, we may be able to make a recommendation.

For more information about our marketing services, please visit the marketing services page.

Business Ethics Pledge Campaign

What is the Business Ethics Pledge Campaign?

It's a movement to help create a moral code of business ethics based on honesty, integrity, and quality. Change history—Show the business world how to succeed by being ethical and cooperative. Click here for more information.

Books/Informational Products

Which of your marketing books is right for me?

If the Internet is a big part of your strategy, if you seek national publicity or participate in national trade shows, or if one-to-one selling is a major part of your operation, Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World is a much better value. It's newer, more comprehensive, and has a much broader focus--and it includes virtually all of the information in our older book, Marketing Without Megabucks. For more information, please visit the Grassroots Marketing page.

A copy of Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First is strongly recommended. This book may open your horizons to whole new areas of ethical, cooperative marketing, helping you create systems so that instead of cold-calling, your prospects seek you out. Please visit for more information.

To order any of our books or other info products (special reports, audios, video, etc.), please visit our secure order page.

I don't even know what a hedonist is. What is The Penny-Pinching Hedonist: How to Live Like Royalty with a Peasant's Pocketbook about and what can it do for me?

The Penny-Pinching Hedonist: How to Live Like Royalty with a Peasant's Pocketbook is about how to have more fun and spend less money. A hedonist is someone who loves pleasure. The Penny-Pinching Hedonist will save the typical reader many thousands of dollars on travel, entertainment, fine dining, romance, kid activities, and other pleasures. To preview this 280-page e-book, please click here.

May I buy your books and re-sell them?

Certainly! We offer generous commissions and we're delighted to see you serve your customers with our excellent, affordable informational products. Please contact us for more information.

Web and E-mail Publications

What's the difference among your e-zines, webzines, and blog?

E-zines arrive in your e-mail box by subscription, usually once a month, and are then archived later on the Web. We have Monthly Frugal Fun Tips and Monthly Frugal Marketing Tips, each of which go to several thousand readers every month, and Positive Power of Principled Profit, with a circulation of over 1000. There's also an occasional newsletter for signers of the Business Ethics Pledge. All e-zines are permanently archived, taking advantage of the Web's flexibility as a publishing medium.

Our Web-based publications, Global Arts Review, Global Travel Review, Peace & Politics, and Frugal & Fashionable Living, located at, and Down to Business, on, offer over one thousand articles to people who visit the website and read them. There's also a page of Business Ethics articles at

Shel also writes an occasional blog, available at or via RSS fed directly to your computer. This is published without a fixed schedule, and might include reviews, comments, pointers to interesting articles, as well as musings about the direction of marketing.

Do you accept article submissions?

All our web-based magazines accept relevant, well-written, error-free (or nearly so) article submissions. The tipsheets and blog do not accept unsolicited articles, but if you've written a great article, we may contact you to request permission to reprint. We are NOT a paying market. If you would like to write for us, please request our guidelines.

Do you accept ads and sponsorships?

Yes! Please visit our sponsorship page for details.

How do I subscribe?

Our home page and most of the internal pages have a box at the bottom left, where you can enter your e-address and check off any of our three e-zines. For the Webzines, simply visit their home pages, using the links on the right, the drop-down menu, or the links above--and click on the articles you'd like to read. To find out more about subscribing to Shel's blog via RSS, please click here.

Career Services

What services do you provide?

That answer is too big for a FAQ--we have a whole separate site dealing with career and resume services. Please visit our sister site,, for full information.

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Many of the 2000+ articles on Frugal Fun and Frugal Marketing have been gathered into magazines. If you'd like to read more great content on these topics, please click on the name of the magazine you'd like to visit.

  • Ethics Articles -
  • Down to Business Magazine
  • Frugal & Fashionable Living Magazine
  • Global Travel Review
  • Global Arts Review
  • Peace & Politics Magazine
  • Frugal Marketing Tips archive (1997-2011)
  • Frugal Fun Tips (1997-2011)
  • Clean and Green Marketing: subscribe to one of the longest-running monthly marketing newsletters on the Internet

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    Click here to order Shel's books on cost-effective and ethical marketing for social change organizations, small businesses, and authors, including Guerrilla Marketing to Heal the World, endorsed by Seth Godin, Chicken Soup for the Soul co-creator Jack Canfield, and others.

    This site is brought to you by Shel Horowitz,
    Director of Accurate Writing & More--bringing you marketing,
    writing, and career assistance since 1981.
    (413) 586-2388

    For information on reprinting articles from this site, click here.

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    (ethical, cooperative, and profitable business success)
    (How to have more fun and spend a lot less money)
    (marketing, writing, and career services)

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