Grassroots Marketing Table of Contents and Index

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Table of Contents
Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World
By Shel Horowitz

Chapter 1 Skeptics—Please Start Here
Chapter 2 Image and Market
Chapter 3 Copywriting 101
Chapter 4 By Design
Chapter 5 Mastering Myriad Media
Chapter 6 Media Publicity: The Hidden Goldmine
Chapter 7 Who Needs to Know: Assembling Your Press List

Chapter 8 Better Than the Grapevine: Writing Your Media Releases
Chapter 9 In Depth Print Coverage: The Best Publicity Money Can't Buy
Chapter 10 Let Fingers Do The Walking—and Find You
Chapter 11 Unlock the Secrets of the Classified Page
Chapter 12 On Display
Chapter 13 Ask For A Bargain
Chapter 14 Squeeze the Most From the Post, Part I
Chapter 15 Squeeze the Most From the Post, Part II
Chapter 16 Visual Marketing
Chapter 17 A Substantial Impression: Publicity Materials Your Prospects Will Hold On To

Chapter 18 Free Publicity Over the Airwaves
Chapter 19 And Now a Word from our Sponsor: Advertising in the Electronic Media
Chapter 20 New Media

Chapter 21 Getting Started in Cyberspace
Chapter 22 Domain DOs and DON'Ts
Chapter 23 E-Mail Marketing Miracles
Chapter 24 The "Sig"—Your Cyberspace Business Card
Chapter 25 Wonderful World Wide Web
Chapter 26 Build Brand Identity and Traffic
Chapter 27 Banner Advertising on the Web
Chapter 28 Integrating Databases and The Internet
Chapter 29 Other Online Advertising /Promotional Tools

Chapter 30 World-Class Customer Service
Chapter 31 Friendly and Welcome Telemarketing
Chapter 32 Successful Sales Presentations
Chapter 33 Trade Show Triumphs
Chapter 34 A Storehouse of Tricks
Chapter 35 Keep Them Coming Back: Generating Referral and Repeat Customers

Chapter 36 Who Do You Know?
Chapter 37 Climbing the Marketing Mountain: Selling Your Expertise
Chapter 38 Tick Them Off
Chapter 39 Branding:The Buzz

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Index to Grassroots Marketing: Getting Noticed in a Noisy World

Accurate Writing & More, 292-­93
ad agencies, advertising discount for, 96-­97
Adobe Acrobat, 169, 204
advertiser's packet, 159-­60
advertising, 28­-29. See also direct mail; marketing piece; signs
* ad agency discount, 96-­97
* bartering for, 98
* books on, 295
* charity advertisements, 87-­88
* classified ads, 78­-86
* co-op, 94­-96
* cost of, 79, 92-­98, 118-­20, 123-­25
* display, 87­-92
* free sales aids, 93
* frequency/volume discounts, 96
* on Internet sites, 192-­93
* outdoor, 137
* per-order or per-inquiry, 97
* as publicity, 30­-31
* radio, 158­-63
* regional editions, placement in, 98
* remnant space, discounts for, 97-­98
* responses, monitoring of (See responses, monitoring of)
* series ads, 88­-89
* targeted, 78, 87, 99-­100, 121, 128­-29, 158-­60, 264
* television, 163-­65, 217­-18
* visual marketing, 127­-41
* of Web sites, 217­-18
* on Web sites, 218
* in Yellow Pages (See Yellow Pages)
Advertising Secrets of the Written Word (Sugarman), 18
advertising specialties, 139-­40
affiliate (affinity, associate) programs, Web sites, 175, 215­-17
aircraft, audience aboard, 167
Ali, Jaffer, 174­-75, 217
Alta Vista, 209, 211
Amaze, Inc., 276­-77, 216, 269
America Online (AOL), 179-­81
applet, 175
art, 22
association-specific media outlets, 36
AT&T, 179, 181, 248
audio cassettes, 169, 296
audiovisual presentations, 251
auto sunshades, 140
autoresponders, 175, 187, 193-­95
Bacon's Publicity Checker, 37
Bailey, Lorilyn, 206
balloons, 22, 24, 141
bandwidth, 175
banner ads, Web page, 175, 191
banners (signs), 135, 266
Barber, Lois, 57, 286
Barney, Evelyn Lee, 198­-99
Barthen, Kathy, 173, 187
Bautista, Velty, 156
BBS (bulletin board system), 169-­70, 175
Bellows, Susan, 249­-50, 253
benefits of product, 4­5, 14-­19
Berry, Rynn, 62­-63
best bets columns, 59-­60
BG (big grin), 175
BizWeb Gazette, 181
bleeds, 22, 24, 203
body copy, 22, 24
body text, 22
body type, 22
bonuses, sales, 254-­55
* electronically published, 169
* production and promotion of, 296
* as resources, 294-­96
* writing, 280
borders, 22, 24
box, 22, 24
Boystown Press, 262
brag book, 250
brand loyalty, shifting, 16­-17
Bread & Circus, 4, 30, 237, 252, 268, 269-­72
Brill, Steven, 107
Brill's Content, 107­-111
broadcast fax, 167
brochures, 105, 146­-49
* distribution of, 151
* software, 169­-70
* trade shows, use at, 261-­62
* Web site "brochureware," 206
browsers, 175, 181, 203­-204
Buckley, Kathleen, 35, 47
budget for marketing, 1­2. See also costs
bullet, 22
bulletin board, 175. See also BBS
bumper stickers, 133
business cards, 13, 142­-46
* basic, 142­-43
* distribution of, 151
* examples, 143, 145
* fold-outs, 144
* magnetic, 146
* mini-fliers, 143
* multiple, 146
* oversize, 144
* picture/hologram, 144-­46
* Rolodex, 144
* two-sided, 143-­44
* ultra-basic, 143
business directories. See also telephone directories
* ad placement in, 84­-85
* as information resource, 293­-94
buzz, creation of, 289­-91
cable television. See Television
* current events or anniversaries, marketing tied to, 293
* media calendars, listing in, 49
* as premium gift, 140-­41
call-in radio/television programs, 153-­54. See also talk shows
call-outs. See pull quotes
camera-ready, 22
captions, use of, 19
Career Map (Yeager), 253
case histories, use of, 17
Cash Copy (Lant), 21, 235
catalogs, 149, 165
* compilation of, 124
* distribution of, 151
* electronic, multimedia, 168
CD-ROMs, 168­69, 261
Celebrate Today (Kremer), 282, 293
* allowing media access to, 60
* as referral source, 275­-77
CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 175
* advertising in program guides of, 87-­88
* telemarketing for, 245
Chase's Annual Events, 282, 293
chat room, 175
claims, substantiation of, 15­-16
classified advertisements, 78­-86
* cost, 79
* display classified ads, 85­-86
* formats, 83
* frequency of, 83­-84
* headlines, 81, 84
* one- or two-step selling, 79-­80
* placement of, 83
* qualifying prospects, 80­-81
* readership, 83­-84
* service/business directories, 84-­85
* writing and designing, 81­-83, 195
click-through, click-through rate (CTR), 175
clip art, 22
closed-format television, 153
clothing, advertisements on, 141
cold calls, 244, 249, 260
* syndicating, 280
* writing, 67­-68
commissions, sales, 254-­55
community access television, 153
community service, 33-­34, 275
company profile, example of, 20
* comparison to, 16­-17
* referrals from, 277-­78
complaints, resolution of, 238-­39
complementary businesses
* referrals from, 277
* working with, 124
complementary marketing methods, use of, 289
computer artists, 26
Conducent, 170
conference calls, 247-­48
consulting, 282
* store, 266­-67
* Web site, 214
cookie, 175­-76
co-op advertising, 94­-96, 123, 169, 258­-60
copywriting, 13­-22
* assistance, sources of, 25, 292
* books on, 294-­95
* captions, use of, 19
* case histories, 17
* classified advertisements, 81­-83
* competitor comparison, 16­-17
* effective, 13­-16
* grammar and syntax, 21
* headlines, use of, 18-­19
* highlighting benefits, 16-­19
* objections and answers, 17
* Ogilvy's principles, 19­-21
* qualifications/capabilities summary, 17-­19
* radio spots, 161-­63
Corbett, Michael, 286-­87
corporations, virtual, 171
* classified advertisements, 79
* display ads, 92
* faxes, 167
* fliers, 128­-29, 133
* Internet advertising, 192-­93
* Internet use, 172­-73
* press releases, 30
* radio advertising, 158-­59
* radio/television bookings, 155-­56
* sales commissions, bonuses, awards, and incentives, 254­-55
* search engine listing, 212
* telebridges, 248
* television advertising, 164
* total marketing budget, 1­2
* trade shows, 258
* video production, 165
* Web sites, 202-­203, 212
coupon mailers, 124
coupons, design of, 24
courier services, 118
CPA (cost per action), 176
CPC (cost per click), 176
CPM (cost per thousand), 176
credentials, summary of, 17-­19
cross-promotions, 94­-96
currency conversion Web site, 208
current events publications, 37
customer service, 235-­39
* complaints, resolution of, 238­-39
* contacting clients regularly, 236
* examples, 237­-38
* guarantees and warranties, 236-­37
* tips for, 235­-36
* troubleshooting, 237
* value-enhancers, use of, 236
Cyberian Outpost, 215, 217
cyberspace. See Internet
damage control, 34­-35
Daniels, Jim, 181, 213
Daniels, Walter, 198-­99
data security, 195, 205, 216
database marketing, 102
* definition, 39
* Internet and, 209
David, Honoré, 151, 269, 273
David Sams Industries, 264
Dawson, Roger, 252
decals, 133
design, 13
* classified advertisements, 81-­83
* display advertising, 89­-92
* glossary, 22­-24
* principles, 24
* specialists, use of, 24-­27
designers, 26
digest (e-mail), 176
dingbat, 22
Direct Contact Publishing, 167
direct mail, 28, 99­-122, 194. See also mailing lists
* advantages of, 99-­100
* articles sold via, 280
* best customers, mailings to, 121
* books on, 294­-95
* bundling of products, 123-­24
* catalogs, use of, 102, 124
* combined approach, 244­-45
* components of mailing, 104­-107
* co-op advertising, 123
* costs of, 118­-20, 123­-25
* coupon mailers, 124
* database marketing, 102
* delivery services, 118-­19
* examples, 107­-16
* follow-up sales, generation of, 124­-25
* guarantees, 106­-107
* honesty in, 104
* increasing productivity of, 122-­26
* list development and screening, 100-­102
* memos/lift letters, 106
* order fulfillment, 126
* outside help for, 126
* post office guidelines, 111, 117-­18, 125-­26
* postcard decks, 102
* postcards, 104, 119, 125
* preparation of mailing, 102-­104, 125­-26
* quality of mailing piece, 123
* responses, 103­-6, 119-­21
* success of, 119-­21
* targeting, 99­-100, 121
* testimonials, 105
* two-step selling, 125
directories. See also telephone directories
* ad placement in, 84-­85
* as information resource, 293-­94
* Internet, 178, 209
* media, 37, 38
* discussion groups, 176. See also Internet Advertising Discussion List; Internet Sales Discussion List, Pub-Forum
* search tools, 209-­13
* Small Shop PR Agency discussion list, 263
display advertising, 22, 87-­92
* display classifieds, 85-­86
* cost of, 92
* design, 91­-92
* editorial matter reinforced by, 87­-88
* repetition of, 87­-88
* series ads, 88­-89
* shape and size of, 89-­91
* targeting of, 87­-88
display type, 24
domain name, 10, 176, 179-­83
Donovan, Alvin, 155, 254
Down to Business, 185, 213, 215, 293
drop caps (drop capitals), 22
drop-shipping, 216­-17
Dun & Bradstreet Lotus Marketplace, 102
e-books, 169
eCommerce (E-Commerce), 176
editorials, 64
editors, 25
* editor's choice columns, 59-­60
* thinking like, 31­-32
Eicoff, Al, 164
800 numbers, directory of, 77
electronic media, 166-­70. See also faxes; Internet; radio; television
Electronic Retailing, 168
Elenbaas, Dan, 276­-77
e-mail, 184-­96. See also Internet
* address, reading, 184
* America Online (AOL), 179-81
* articles, circulating, 188-­89
* attachments, 187, 190
* automated, 193­-95
* cost of accounts, 172
* data security, 195
* digest, 176
* direct mail, used for, 119
* etiquette, 186­-87, 197­-98
* faxes sent/received via, 167
* free, 180­-81
* HTML, 176, 195-­96
* mailing lists, 125, 188-­93, 214
* mass mailings, 188
* media releases, 49-­51
* multiple readers, access to, 188­-93
* "on vacation" messages, 186, 193
* opt-in, 177
* participation, value of, 189­-90
* programs, 181
* responding to, 187
* rich format, 195­-96
* sig, 177, 185, 197-­201
* targeted internal-list, 190-­91
* targeted personal messages, 184-­86, 195
* trade show prospects, follow up to, 261
emoticon, 176
* customer service by, 239
* sales force (See sales force, management of)
entertainment publications, 37
envelopes, direct mail, 106
ethnic radio programs, 160
* current events or anniversaries, marketing tied to, 293
* highlighted, 59­-60
* reviews/previews, 60
expertise, selling, 279­-84
* consulting, 282
* defining self as expert, 279-­80
* franchising, 284
* holiday, creating, 282­-83
* lectures and performances, 280-­81
* political office, running for, 283-­84
* teaching, 281­-82
* writing, 280
eyeballs, 176
e-zine, 176
family, referrals from, 276
FAQ, 176
faxes, 167
* broadcast, 167
* for direct mail, 119
* e-mail, sending/receiving via, 167
* fax-backs, automatic, 167
* publicity distributed via, 28
feature articles, 57­-59
* collaboration on, 69
* examples, 66­-67
* promoting, 64-­65
* writing your own, 65­-68
features, television/radio, 64-­65
field (database), 39
fills, 22, 24
filter, filtering, 176
finance publications, 37
flags, 135
flames (Internet), 176, 187, 188
fliers, 105, 127­-33
* color, 129­-33
* cost, 128­-29, 133
* design, 128-­33
* example, 130
* exchanging with other companies, 124
* gang runs, 133
* graphics, 129
* nonposted, 128
* posted, 127­-28
* size/shape, 133
* tear-offs/take-aways, 128
* texture, 133
* type, 129
FlightLink, 167
floppy disks, 169
* autoresponder follow-ups, 194­-95
* direct mail follow-up to telemarketing, 120­-21
* e-mail follow-up, to trade show prospects, 261
* sales, generation of follow-up, 124­-25
font, 22
Forbes Online, 195
* classified advertisements, 83
* media releases, 43­-44
forum, 176
four-color, 22
Fox, Frank, 99, 120, 235, 274
frame, 176
franchising, 284
Franklin, Skip, 276­-77
Friedman, D. Dina, 292
Friedman, Stanley D., 31, 42, 44, 64
friendliness, assertive, 243
friends, referrals from, 276, 171, 178, 192, 210, 218, 282, 293
FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 176
full-size page, 22
Gaines, Barry, 174
Gale Directory of Publications, 37
Gale Encyclopedia of Associations, 37
Gale Holidays and Anniversaries of the World, 293
general interest publications, 37
geographical advertising coops, 94
geographical market, 5
geographical media outlets, 36
Gibson, William, 171
Gidwitz, Teri, 51
GIF (Graphic Image Format), 176, 204
Gill, Peter, 51
Goodman, Danny, 213, 212­-13
graduated (gradated) fill, 22
grammar, 21
graphic element, 22
graphics, 22, 24, 295
* fliers, 129
* glossary, 22-­24
guarantees, 236­-37
Guerilla Marketing (Levinson), 161
Guest Finder web site, 156

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halftone, 22
hand delivery of direct mails, 119
Harris, Monique, 50, 204
Hayes, Charles, 283
headlines, 18­-19, 23, 24
* classified advertisements, 81, 84
* secondary, 23, 24
* subheads, 23, 24
helpful hints checklist, 146
Herold, Jordi, 34, 35, 161, 237, 289
High Probability Selling (Werth and Ruben), 254
holidays, creating, 282-­83
horizontal marketing, 5­6
host. See Web host
house parties as marketing tool, 256
How to Make $50,000 A Year (or More) Creating and Selling Information Products Online (Harris), 204
HTML, 169, 176, 203
HTML e-mail, 176, 195-­96
http: prefix, 176, 177
hypertext links, 174, 214-­17
IBM, 179
illustrators, 25
image, 4­12
* appropriate image, creation of, 7
* changing, 12
* components of, 4
* consistency of, 4, 7
* letterhead, 11
* logos, 10-­11
* matching to market, 4­7
* multiple campaigns, 11­-12
* slogans, 11
imagesetter, 26
I-Media Fax, 167
impressions, 176
Indian River Gift Fruit Company, The, 174, 195
infomercials, 168­-69
information services (information utilities), 169­-70, 176, 179-­81
informational calls, 246
insert, 23
intellectual property, protection of, 169
interactive medium, 168, 174
Internet, 171­-78. See also Discussion groups; domain name; e-mail; interactive medium; web sites
* advertising on, 192-­93
* anticommercial nature of, 174
* articles, circulating, 188-­89
* basic navigation of, 177-­78
* bookmarks/favorite places, 178
* connecting to, 179­-84
* customization, 174
* damage control using, 35
* data security, 195, 205, 216
* global access via, 207­-208
* glossary, 175­-77
* history of, 171
* hypertext links, 174, 214-­17
* letters online (posts), 63-­64
* marketing tool, use as, 173-­75
* multimedia approach using, 168
* networking via, 278
* newsgroups, 189­-90
* newsletters, 191-­93, 214
* personal contact, use for, 172, 195
* press release distribution services, 38
* research databases, 37
* resources, 293, 295
* richness of, 174
* savings from use of, 172­-73
* searches, 178
* sponsoring mailing lists/newsletters, 191-­92
* television connection, 178
Internet Advertising Discussion List, 170, 187, 189, 217, 293
Internet Chronicles Support Team, 204
Internet Media Maximizer, 186
Internet Sales Discussion List, 50, 178, 189, 192, 194, 198, 215, 216, 293
Internet service providers (ISPs), 176, 179­-81, 183
interviews, news, 153
introduction, value of, 249
ISPs. See Internet service providers (ISPs)
Jackson, Suzanne, 263
Java, 204
JPEG, 176, 204
Jud, Brian, 165
Kan, Lydia, 194­-95
Kawasaki, Guy, 237
Kennedy, Dan, 16
Kent, Peter, 202
keywords, 178, 210-­13
Kinnard, Sharon, 195
Kluytmans, Terry, 216-­17
Knox, Neil, 172
Kroupa, Gene, 61
Krupin, Paul, 42, 45, 167
Landen, Hal, 164
Lannon, Dave, 4, 30, 237, 252, 268
Lant, Jeffrey, 5, 21, 26, 39, 65, 98, 235, 255, 264, 290­-91
Larson, Gary, 276­-77
lawn signs, 135­-36
layout, 19­-21, 23, 71-­73
leading, 23
leads. See prospects
lectures, 280-­81
Leduc, Bob, 15-­16
letterhead, 11
letterpress, 23
letters, direct mail, 105
letters to the editor, 60-­64
lettershops, 126
Levinson, Jay Conrad, 161
lift letters, 106
limited-time offers, 14­-15
line art, 23
listserves, 176, 188
logos, 10­-11, 13, 24
LOL (laugh out loud), 176
Lowry, Sherry, 247-­48
Lustina, John, 215
luxury goods, multimedia for, 168
Mac is Not a Typewriter, The (Williams), 26
Macintosh Way, The, 237
magazine page, 23
magazines, 150
mailbot. See autoresponders
mailing lists, 100­-102, 176. See also direct mail
* accuracy of, 122
* brokers, 101, 125
* classified ads and, 79-­80
* compiling own list, 101
* e-mail, 125, 188-­93, 214
* management services, 193
* matching offer to, 123
* from other businesses, 101
* purging duplicates on, 122-­23
* renting, 101, 125
* from Web site, 214
mailing-list servers, 193
Majercik, David and Carol, 89
majordomo, 177
Make More Money Now (Donovan), 254
market, identification of, 5­7
marketing, defined, 2
marketing piece. See also specific pieces, e.g. brochures
* content, 13 (See also copywriting)
* design (See design)
Marketing with Video (Landen), 164
mascots, 10­-11
Matlock, Jere, 285
McCann, Jim, 94
McCormick, Tim, 156
McLaughlin, Heather, 137
mechanical (layout), 23
media, 282, 295-­96. See also advertising; publicity
* as event sponsors, 34
* types of, 28­-29
media advisories, 48-­49
media directories, 37, 38
media kit, trade show, 260-­61
media list
* development of, 36­-39
* national, 38­-39
* pyramiding coverage, 39­-40
* research on, 37-­38
* use of, 39
media packets, 46­-47, 60
media releases, 41-­56, 175. See also publicity
* basics of, 41­-43
* contacts, 43
* creating news, 54-­56
* customized releases, 45-­46
* distribution services, 38
* e-mailing to prospects, 190
* event summary, 46
* examples, 45-­46, 48, 49, 51-­55
* fancy leads, 51-­53
* formatting, 43­-44
* length of, 44­-45
* news or feature angles, tie ins with, 53­-54
* press packets, 46­-47
* release date, 43­-44
* reviews/previews and, 60
* specialized releases, 47-­51
memos, direct mail, 106
merging data, 39
message board, 175. See also BBS
messenger services, 118, 210
metasearch tools, 209­-10
Mindspring, 179
mirroring techniques, 254
modems, 178
moderated, 177
monitoring of responses. See responses, monitoring of
multilevel marketing (MLM), 255-­56
multimedia, 168­-69, 296
multiple marketing campaign, 5, 11­-12
MusicNet, 169
name of business
* alphabetical placement, 7
* cleverness of, 9
* descriptiveness, 8­9
* expandability of, 9
* Internet domain availability, 10
* personalization, 8
* selection of, 7­10, 296
* tone of, 8
* trademarketability, 9
National Association for the Self-Employed, 31, 155, 244
National Change of Address, 122
national media, 38­39
* regional editions, ad placement in, 98
navigational signs, 136­37
Needle, David, 276
Network Solutions, 183
networks, 278
new product introductions, 59
newbie, 177, 188, 189
news interviews, 153
newsgroups, 177, 188, 189­90
* distribution of, 151
* online, 191­93, 214
* publishing, 150, 192­93
* services, subscription to, 69
* sponsorship of, 191­92
newspapers, 29
Nunley, Kevin, 103
objections to product, answering, 17, 243­44
offset (photo-offset) printing, 23
Ogilvy, David, 15, 19­21
Ogilvy & Mather, 19, 164
Ogilvy on Advertising (Ogilvy), 19, 164
Ogma, Dan, 185­86
O'Hara, Edith, 238
O'Keefe, Steve, 51
one-step selling, 80
on-hold informational systems, 247
online publicity. See Internet
opinion (op-ed) columns, 67­68
opt-in, 177
order fulfillment, 126
outdoor advertising, 137
Owens, Ray, 192­93
package services, 118
packaging, 138­39
Pantone color matching system, 23, 26
Pardue, Bob, 199­200
Parkins, Jerry, 194
paste-up, 23
paste-up artists, 26
PC is Not a Typewriter, The (Williams), 26
Pelto, Lisa, 262
Penny-Pinching Hedonist, The : How to Live Like Royalty with a Peasant's Pocketbook(Horowitz), 175, 258, 293
people and places columns, 49
performances, 280­81
permissions for testimonials, 16
per-order or per-inquiry advertising, 97
personalized messages, 172, 184­86, 195, 207
photographers, 25
photographs, use of, 60
photostat, 23
picas, 23
pickets, 134
piracy, 169
pitchbook, 250
PlaceWare, 261
point-of-purchase sales, 268
points, 23
political campaigns, 283­84
political publications, 37
Poor Richard's Website (Kent), 202
portal, 177. See also search engines
postcard decks, 102
postcards, 104, 119, 125
posters, 127. See also fliers
posts (letters online), 63­64
premium giveaways, radio/television, 160­61, 164
premiums, 139­40
press. See media
press releases. See media releases
previews, 60
printers, 26­27
* glossary, 22­24
* resources, 295
problem solver, marketer as, 243
product claims, substantiation of, 15­16
product highlights, 59­60
product line, 4­5
product-specific advertising coops, 94
Professional Association of Résumé Writers, 99, 112, 120
professional publications, 36
professionals, referrals from, 277
* e-mail to, 190­91
* generating, 80
* identifying, 242, 254
* listening to, 242­43
* media used by, 37
* psychographic categories, 250­54, 295
* qualifying, 80­81
* rapport with, 254
* recency, frequency, monetary data on, 287­88
* referrals, 273­78
* repeat customers, 274
* responses (See responses, monitoring of)
* at trade shows, 264­65
* valuing, 243
* from Web site, 213­14
Pub-Forum discussion list, 293
public domain materials, 169­70
public office, running for, 283­84
public relations, books on, 295
public service announcements, 47­48
public speaking, 280­81, 292­93, 295­96
publicity, 28­25. See also media list
* community service, 33­34
* damage control, 34­35
* deadlines for, 32
* distribution services, use of, 38
* events for, 32­33
* feature articles, 57­59
* in-depth print coverage, 57­69
* making self newsworthy, 31­32
* mechanics of, 32
* media cosponsorship, 34
* national, 38­39
* product or event highlights, 59­60
* pyramiding coverage, 39­40
* tearsheets, 39­40
* types of, 29
Publicity on the Internet (O'Keefe), 51
Publishers Marketing Association discussion group, 189
"puff pieces," 59
pull quotes, 23, 24, 174­75, 216, 217

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qualifications/capabilities summary, 17­19
query letters, 65
radio, 29, 282
* advertising on, 158­63
* appearances, 64­65, 154­56, 218
* booking services, 155­56
* call-ins, 153­54
* hosting own show, 157
* news interviews, 153
* noncommercial stations, 159
* on-air tips, 156
* premium prizes, donating or bartering, 160­61
* talk shows, 153­56
* television compared, 152­53
* types of programs, 159­61
* writing spots for, 161­63
Radio-TV Interview Report (RTIR), 156
real time, 177
reality, virtual, 171
record (database), 39
referral customers, 273­78
rejection, acceptance of, 2444
repeat customers, 274
resorts, multimedia for, 168
resources, 292­96
responses, monitoring of, 285­88
* building market base from, 287­88
* changing marketing based on, 288
* direct mail response rate, 103­106, 119­21
* discounts/premiums for mentioning ad, 287­88
* at points of interaction, 286
* techniques, 286­88
* tracking codes for, 287
reverse type, 23, 24, 73
reviews, 60
RGB, 23
rich format e-mail, 195­96
Roebke, Nancy, 198­99
ROFL (roll on floor laughing), 177
Rolodex cards, 144
Rosenberg, Eva, 199­200, 202
RTFM, 177
Ruben, Nicholas E., 254
rules, 23, 24
S, 195, 216
* asking for, 244
* books on, 295
* inbound calls for, 246­47
* one-step, 80
* others' outlets, selling through, 272
* repeat and referral customers, 273­74
* in stores (See stores, marketing methods for)
* transforming marketing into, 14­15
* two-step, 80, 104, 125
sales aids, free, 93
sales force, management of, 251­55
* client-focused tactics, training in, 252­54
* commissions, bonuses, awards, incentives for, 254­55
* professional development, 255
* rapport with client, 254
sales presentations, successful, 249­56. See also sales force, management of
* audiovisual presentations, 251
* categorizing prospects for, 249­51, 252­54
* multi-level marketing, 255­56
Sandler, David, sales methods of, 249­50
sandwich boards, 134
SASE (stamped self-addressed envelope), 80
Schlomka, George, 30, 55­56
screen, 23
screen savers, 170
search engines, 177, 178, 180, 181­82, 214
* Web site, used with, 209­13
secondary headlines (kickers), 23, 24
Segal, Harvey, 182
service bureaus, 26
service directories, ad placement in, 84­85
service programs, 160
shareware, 169­70
sheltered workshops, 126
shopping cart, 177
shopping channels, 165
sidebars, 23, 24
Siegel, Paul, 207
SIG, 177, 278
sig, signature, 177, 185, 197­201
* etiquette, 197­98
* multiple, 200­201
* when to use, 197­200
signs, 133­38
* billboards, vehicles painted as, 138
* car and truck, 137­38
* interior bus and train placards, 138
* lawn, 135­36
* mini-billboards/point-of-purchase, 134­35
* navigational, 136­37
* pickets, 134
* sandwich boards, 134
* sidewalk, 134
* store window, 134
* vanity plates, 136
Siskind, Barry, 250
slides, color, 26
slogans, 11, 24
Small Shop PR Agency discussion list, 263
SoftLock, 169
software brochures, 169­70
Solomon, Judith, 58
spam, spammer, 177, 188
special effects, 23, 24, 162
special interest groups (SIG), 177, 278
special interest media outlets, 37, 159, 160
spiders, 177, 209­13
Spool, Jared, 190­91
spot color, 23, 24, 73, 132­33
stat camera, 23
stat camera operators, 26
Steinfeld, Jay, 199­200
Sterne, Jim, 189
Stevenson, Alexsandralyn, 120
stores, marketing methods for, 266­72
* example, 269­72
* hosting special events, 268
* others' outlets, selling through, 272
* passers-by converted into customers, 266­68
* store window merchandising, 266­67
* up-selling from within, 268­69
strategic market planning, 292
subculture radio programs, 160
subheads, 23, 24
Successful Exhibitor's Handbook (Siskind), 250
Sugarman, Joseph, 18
summary of marketing campaign, 5, 11
Sun Microsystems, 172, 204
sunbursts (or starbursts), 23, 24
surveys, telephone, 246
symbols, 10­11
syndication, 280
syntax, 21
tabloid, 23
talk shows, 64­65
* advertising on, 159
* appearances on, 154­56
* call-ins to, 153­54
target market, 6­7
teaching, 281­82
tearsheets, 39­40, 60
technical journals, 280
telebridges, 247­48
telemarketing, 240­48
* asking for sale, 244
* for charity, 245
* direct mail follow-up, 120­21
* effective methods, components of, 241­45
* good situations for, 245
* inbound, 246­47
* informational calls, 246
* objections and answers, 243­44
* on-hold informational systems, 247
* problems with, 240­41
* surveys, 246
telephone directories, 7­9. See also Yellow Pages
* toll-free number directory, 77
* U.S. directories, compilation of, 102
* White Pages, 75­76
telephone services, 70­77. See also Yellow Pages
* options, 76­77
* phone number, choice of, 77
* advertising on, 163­65, 217­18
* appearances, 64­65, 154­56
* booking services, 155­56
* call-ins, 153­54
* community access vs. closed-format, 153
* hosting own show, 157
* Internet connection, 178
* news interviews, 153
* on-air tips, 156
* compared with radio , 152­53
* shopping channels, 165
* talk shows, 153­56
testimonials, 15­16, 64, 105
* cross-promotions, use for, 94­96
text, 23, 24
text effects, 23, 24
text wrap, 23, 24
thank yous, 273­74
Thirteenth Street Repertory Theater, 238
thread, 177
Timetables of History, The, 293
tipsheets, 213­14
toll-free number directory, 77, 202
tote bags, advertisements on, 141
Toyota, 168
trade association advertising coops, 94­95
trade journals, 36, 59, 280
trade shows, 257­65
* co-op booth, 258­60
* costs of, 258
* getting prospects to booth, 264
* objectives, 257­58
* press kit for, 260­61
* private shows, 265
* right show, selecting, 258­59
* show floor vs. booth space, 257­58
* size of booth, 259
* staff for, 259
* tips for, 258, 261­63
* tracking visitors, 261, 264
trademark, 9
troubleshooting, customer service, 237
20/20 Vision, 273, 286
two-step selling, 80, 104, 125
typeface, 23
typeface family, 23­24
typesetters, 26
typesetting characters, 26
TYVM (thank you very much), 177
Ultimate Benefits, 5
Ultimate Marketing Plan, The (Kennedy), 16
Unique Selling Proposition (USP), 4
United States Postal Service, 111, 117­18
unmoderated, 177
URL, 177, 182, 251
value-enhancers, use of, 236
van Heuman, Cor, 42
vanity plates, 136
VBG (very big grin), 175
VCR programming code, 169
vehicles, advertisements on/in
* billboards, used as, 138
* car and truck signs, 137­38
* interior bus and train placards, 138
* vanity plates, 136
vertical marketing, 6
videos, use of, 164­65, 168­69, 251, 296
virtual corporations, 171
virtual reality, 171
VirtualPROMOTE Gazette, 207, 213, 260, 293
visual marketing, 127­41
visuals. See design
voice mail, 166­67
Voice of Wellness, 217
Vorwerk, John, 194
warranties, 236­37
Wason, Mary Lu, 178
Web hosts, 177, 181
Web Marketing Today (Wilson), 212, 293
Web rings, 215
Web sites, 28­29, 169­70, 189, 202­8, 251
* address, publicizing, 75, 217-18 at least
* advertising on, 218
* affiliate programs, 215­17
* AT&T, 77
* classified ads and, 79­80
* contests, 214
* costs of, 202­203, 212
* creating, 203­207
* currency conversion site, link to, 208
* data security, 195, 205, 216
* frugalfun (See
* hypertext links, 214­17
* marketing tool, use as, 173
* off-line promotion, 217­18
* page title, 210
* personalization of, 207
* press kit for, 47
* for press release distribution, 38­39
* publicity forms, use of, 51
* radio/television bookings, 156
* registering, 183
* savings from use of, 172­73
* search engines used with, 209­13
* tracking visitors, 218­19
* visitors, registration of, 213­14
Webber, Sheila, 207­208
WebCallback, 172
WebStep 100, 210
Webzine, 177
Werth, Jacques, 254
Westergaard, Janet, 50­51
Western Union, 118
Westheimer, Mary, 200
White Pages, 9, 75­76
white space, 24
Wieler, Bob, 31, 155, 244
Williams, Robin, 26
Wilson, Jim, 213, 260 his publication, VirtualPromote, is also cited on 207 and 293
Wilson, Ralph, 212, 213, 293
WinFaxPro, 167
Woodhead, Robert J., 213
Woolford, Leah, 173, 197
World Wide Web Marketing (Sterne), 189
World Wide Web (WebWEb, WWW, W3), 177. See also Internet
writers, 25
xerographers, 26­27
Yahoo, 209, 210, 213
Yeager, Neil, 253
Yellow Pages, 7­8, 37, 70­75
* account executive, use of, 74
* contract for, 74
* cost of, 93
* geographical distribution, 73­74
* headings, selection of, 70­71, 74
* problem resolution, 74­75
* visibility, increasing, 71­72
Zinman, David, 63, 195
Zubar, Natalie, 191
Zuckerman, Amy, 42, 43
Zylph, Simon, 70

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